Subscription Team package - yearly

Account Informations

Confirm password:

Member Informations

Team Name:
Sport *:
First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Code:
Team Name:

Subscription Informations

Team package - yearly

After making your first payment, you will then have access to your player profile page. Here is what will be included in the chosen package:

  • Profile
  • Video analysis tool
  • Comparison Tool
  • Workout creation tools
  • Tools for sharing and building exercises
  • Automated event calendar
  • Collective sequence analysis tools
  • Performance monitoring
  • And much more to discover !
  • Price : 349.99 $
  • GST : 17.50 $
  • QST : 34.91
  • TOTAL : 402.40 $

* The 402.40$ charge will be charged directly to the customer's credit card every year. Please note that if the payment method is no longer valid, the account will be automatically suspended.


Card Type
Card Number
CVC Code
C'est quoi?
Expiry Date
Terms a conditions

Automatic subscription renewal:
Any individual subscription will automatically renew according to the payment period chosen, unless the user decides to manually terminate their subscription.

Subscription termination:
If the user terminates their subscription, they will see their data potentially erased, whether whether analyzes, physical tests, objectives, statistics, training, events and news. He will then have 30 days to renew his subscription and find his data. complete. We do not guarantee that there will be no loss during the period of renewal. Players who are part of a team will keep their data for a period of year. If his team for the following year does not have a team subscription, the player will have a choice to subscribe individually. If he failed to do so, he would see his personal data erased.

L'Assistant-Coach inc.
